Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Episode 14: Where's Worf???

17 August 2005

Update from Golden Shower Studios Theme Park, Pointe-Claire Quebec.

Things have changed... The original sets from Star Track 3 - 13 are no more.... Well, that is to say the lease is up...

Life goes on and so does the epic journey that we've all come to adore and revere!

We have some new and exciting plans for a sequal and a BOLD new adventure! New sets and new cast members (TBD).

The story takes place just after Star Track 13, where Data was rescued on the planet of Omicron Theta, the new character Smock was introduced, Geordie got some kind of attitude problem and where Worf had no lines...

In the newest installment, look forward to seeing it all come together! All the nonsense that I/we (the creator(s)) have brought you will all make some kind of sense!

This episode will answer many questions such as:
Where's Worf?
Why is Geordie such a prick?
How did Matt (Captain Jean-Luc Picard/Lt. Geordie Laforge) lose all that weight?
What happened to Rhian?
When? Soon brother...

Coming Soon